Report a Death
We would appreciate you calling TMRS at 1-800-924-8677 as soon as possible to report the death of any TMRS member, retiree, beneficiary payee or alternate payee.
When you contact TMRS about a deceased person, we will request the following information:
- Name of deceased person
- Social Security number
- Date of death
- Family contact information (name/relationship/address/phone number)
- Marital status
TMRS will accept information regarding the deceased person; however, no account information can be released until the account information is thoroughly reviewed.
Once we receive notification of a death, we review the beneficiary designations and benefit options of the deceased person (if applicable). We will contact the beneficiary by letter usually within 1 to 2 weeks of receiving notification of a death. We will advise the beneficiary of any benefits payable and include all the necessary death benefits applications. If no further payments are due, we will notify the family in writing.